Africa Bless Israel Story

The prophet Isaiah (Chapter 19) speaks of a future where there will be a highway and unity between Israel, Assyria and Egypt. This seems like a far cry from present realities! However, Israel, the central component in this threesome, exists today and Rev Albert Mbenga, born in Congo DR but resident in Cape Town for 10 years, a devout Christian and passionate about Africa has recognized this as a sign of the times and a call to action. This has led to the establishment of Africa Bless Israel with a mandate to change the heart of Africa towards Israel.

Although in its past Egypt provided a refuge to Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and later to Joseph, Mary and Jesus, both Egypt and the many African countries in modern times have turned their backs on Israel.

We are living in difficult times, during which Israel's enemies the world over are pursuing every opportunity to demonize and defame the reborn Jewish State with a view to turning it into a pariah among the nations. For centuries, her enemies have been working for her destruction. And many of her supporters have turned their backs on land of milk and honey, the birthplace of Prophets and Visionaries.

Many African nations were blessed when they had very good relations with Israel who assisted these countries develop in many substantial ways after their independence from Europe.

Following the Yom Kippur War (1973), many African countries severed ties with Israel and chose to side with Egypt, and the Arab world, against Israel this was in spite of the extensive work Israel was doing in those countries in agriculture and health. Many commentators see this as a turning point in these countries in particular, but in Africa in general and leading to all sorts of problems that today plague African countries.

Without understanding the spiritual connection and even with a rich natural heritage, these same countries came under a curse when they broke ties with Israel.

Our great Continent of Africa has been characterized as a land of poverty, corruption, birthplace of HIV/AIDS and the deadly Ebola epidemic.

This “curse” or downturn in Africa’s fortunes has to be addressed through both repentance and an act of welcoming Israel back into Africa. Africa needs to become a continent that blesses Israel for Israel’s sake but also in the light of Genesis 12:3, for Africa’s sake!

Now this is a time for the restoration of Africa. Africa shall arise and stand with Israel for her destiny.

Africa chooses to bless Israel and be blessed as referred in Genesis 12 verse 3.

The vision is that "Africa Bless Israel" is presented to allow believers to come together under the banner of unity and to show their support for the State of Israel and her people.

This is a massive gathering of Christians from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds At the Africa Bless Israel International event believers will sing in African Dialectic to honor the G-d of Israel, and His covenant with Israel, His people, His land and His city Jerusalem.

This has never been done before and will truly be a historic event.

Reverend Mbenga’s vision is to add momentum and to harness the growing perception of Christians of Israel’s significance and from across the continent to gather together in unity to honor God through a stand of solidarity with Israel and in repentance for past actions against Israel’.

We are comforted by how during its time of needs, so many courageous, principled friends of Israel and the Jewish people have taken a stand against this iniquitous campaign. Africa Bless Israel would like to be at the very forefront of these efforts.

Reverend Albert Mbenga
Founder/Chairman Africa Bless Israel

Africa Bless Israel

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Africa Bless Israel

Africa Bless Israel