
Phil 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

Was there ever a time that you saw a concert being advertised only to find out that the tickets were sold out round about the same time you found out about the concert? I know I have experienced this on numerous occasions, oohhh like that one time Hillsong was performing in Cape Town and... Anyway there is a new website that helps Christians with just that. Enter It started with the problem that like most of us, these guys weren’t getting information about events and what the different churches were doing. They would find out that this amazing speaker or that awesome band would be in South Africa and it would be like tomorrow in Johannesburg. Which meant that they would miss out on activities they would have otherwise participated in had there been adequate time to properly plan and prepare.

Lucia and Ryan

"Even on Friday nights we wanted to go to concerts, events or a place where we could meet other young Christian people and we could never find anything. So we decided to fill the gap, in this way, connecting with churches and individuals to create a place that hosts the information we once searched for. It was just an idea for a long time but then God said it was time and that’s when we knew we would be able to do this because God has released it to us."

Lucia and Ryan got married in 2013, they've known each other since high school. He has always had a love and interest in entrepreneurship and she has always loved communication. He has been part of a family business for the past few years while she has been in the PR industry, recently venturing into public speaking mainly at women’s events. She has also done some news reading and interviews on TV (Watchmen On The Wall, TBN). They are both currently in Bible College and are excited to see all that God is doing in their lives.

"Every step we have taken in faith, God has exceeded our expectations and done marvellous things in our lives."

50 Coffees

The ultimate focus of FiftyLoop is to see the body of Christ connected. To see more people come to Christ through FiftyLoop, be it through articles on the blog, going to an event featured on the site or even just through finding a church on the church index. So bringing people to Christ, connecting the body of Christ and help them find a church. FiftyLoop aims to do all this in a contemporary and current way. Christianity is cool. Religious rules don’t make Christianity, individuals who actually have a relationship with God and are passionate about it makes Christianity, and want to celebrate that. Plus they love music.

Never before has South Africans had the access to information like they do now. With the advent boom of social media almost everyone has access to real-time information on the go. The aim is to use that and reach all South African’s not just Christians. The aim is to become a place where people connect with the going ons of other Christians, find a good church, are encouraged, edified, have a laugh, are inspired and motivated to walk a deeper road with God. The people behind Fiftyloop have a great vision going forward for Fiftyloop and are continuously reminding themselves not to limit God, as He can do exceedingly, abundantly above all their expectation. And so their vision keeps growing and that’s a good thing. has a fun, jovial exciting look which reminds us that doing God's work or merely walking in His light is anything but boring.

Genesis 1:28 (a) Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion

The one thing Lucia and Ryan know for sure about God is that He is the creator of all things and He has created each and every one of us with a purpose. When we actually take a leap of faith, we'll see Him so much more in our lives and through our lives touching other lives.

Phil 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

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