Fasting for a brighter future

1. Tell us the vision behind National Fast SA

As a country, we have neglected Jesus, so Satan has had his way with this place for so long. As a result, there is so much ungodliness that has saturated our nation that South Africa has become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah. You know there’s a problem when you receive more complaints of staff carrying out witchcraft in the office than late coming! For the past three years the Lord has laid on my heart to start a National Day of Fasting and Prayer. The vision is that the country will come to repentance and humble ourselves once again before our God. We are a nation that is known to have the most violent crime statistics in the world, so if we turn back to godliness for the world to see, they cannot deny that there is a Living God. This is ultimately for God’s glory and to build up warriors in His Kingdom.

2. What can be achieved through fasting?

Fasting with prayer is a mighty weapon our Lord God has so graciously provided for us to conquer in life. Fasting brings your spirit in alignment with God’s will (not ours), and becomes so ‘in tune’ with the Holy Spirit that strongholds are torn down and chains are broken. South Africa has so many strongholds tightened around her, that repentance, fasting and prayer is the weapon to break this oppression.

3. Why now?

Because we were born for such a time as this! In Acts 2 we are told that a generation of champions will rise up during the end times – all this darkness has set the stage for our lights to shine in order to make great advancements for the Kingdom of God. We were created in Christ to do good works, and not to just be someone but to do something. I discern that there has been a shift in the spirit realm in 2014 – God has major things planned, we are living the end times and the Kingdom needs end time players, because the bigger the turnaround for this country, the bigger God’s glory! Now is the time to be that light on a hill – nations must be drawn to our light and see our exalted God!

4. Why is this South Africa’s biggest hope?

Jesus is, and always has been, South Africa’s biggest hope. As humans we sometimes forget this very important Truth. God tells us in His Word that He has thoughts of peace toward us, not the evil we are experiencing now; and that He wants to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Jesus Himself fasted; and when He fasted for forty days in the Wilderness He walked out of there and literally changed the world! We need to follow His example and change our nation.

5. How can people take part?

The National Day of Fasting and Prayer falls on the second Sunday of January every year. However, that is not all– I am constantly being led by the Spirit to do more. He has led us to gather warriors to fast for 40 days for the 2014 elections. I am excited to see the move of God here! Please get in touch via any of our links to the right.  

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National Day of Fasting SA

A future word for SA

Future word for SA

From the blog >> Of His Voice

A vision/word received about the future of South Africa:

Here is what I saw:

  1. A river of blood (bloodshed),
  2. Snake's head cut off,
  3. Wind blowing through SA,
  4. A protea opening above SA and a dove taking the protea branch and flying with it to 14 nations, in this paricular order: Botswana, Kenia, Mozambique, Congo, Zambia, Euthiopia, Egypt, Middle East up to Israel, Europe, Australia, Uganda, USA, South America, NZ. This is where the Holy Spirit will be established to flow from. In this order it will happen and it will happen fast.

Scripture: Psalm 33

The revelation:

There will be initial fighting and bloodshed in SA as the demons try fight the move of God's Spirit. BUT nothing can stop God's ways and power. Thus, the snake's head will be cut off(authority with evil origin). Once the snake's power has been cut off there will be a fresh wind of Grace sweeping across this nation, establishing SA as a forerunner and base for the biggest move of God across this earth. From here the Holy Spirit will be carried across to nations mentioned that will also form bases of establishing God's Spirit for His Kingdom to reign on earth and the whole earth to hear His msg. The Spirit of God has spoken. Job 13:10 (no partiality will be tolerated) only full fire for Jesus. 2 Cor 6:2 and Psalm 44

Received 21 February 2014 by Talitha Rabie (Director/Founder of The Big Story SA)