Surrender can be perceived as an admission of defeat by a lot of people. A resignation sort of which may or may not be true for some folks on some occasions. But to the Christian surrendering to Christ means handing over the reins of one's life to Christ. Taking a back seat as it were and letting God's will prevail.
'And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?' ~Rom 10:15
Now many people have different ways of communicating with Christ for example in song, and in dance. Where words fail, pictures and actions may work best. But this is the story of Ingrid and Talitha a mother and daughter who shared their love for God and ministered through their passion for Art, painting and sketching to be exact. A story about the love between parent and child but perhaps more about a bond that would survive even long after the passing of Ingrid.
'but the spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit' ~Rom 8:26-27
The video called ' I surrender' by Jesus Culture inspired the creation of the variety of paintings and sketches called ANI NIKHNA which is Hebrew for I surrender. The art reflects on the emotional impact of their faith, their turmoil, their relief, their joy and their pain. Ingrid, the mother focuses on colour impressions. There's a cleverness in the way she gets the colour to tell a story, a burst of colour here, like in 'Grace' to signify a hope and reassurance that by His Grace morning shall surely come, there will be a tomorrow and a timidity of colour there to highlight a sombre moment.
‘nevertheless I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security' ~Jeremiah 33:6
Although the art was birthed out of pain and hardships, they signify to perhaps most who view them the promise of a better tomorrow. That no matter what everything will work out. The art can be interpreted differently in different situations that which inspires hope may evoke joy also. There is a great sincerity in the art which will help everyone identify and will perhaps inspire us into ani nikhna.
The latest commission is called 'A Prayer for Hollywood'. More to be revealed soon.
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